Specialised workshops and presentations

Painting and drawing, identification of songs, footprints and feathers of birds, sounds of nature, book presentations...

Renowned specialists come to FIO to help us appreciate the beauty of our environment.

These activities are carried out in various places in the National Park, such as the chapel of Nuestra Señora del Socorro, in Villarreal de San Carlos, the Portilla del Tiétar or the castle of Monfragüe.


Friday, February 23

17.30-18.30. Introduction to drawing birds from nature with José Antonio Sencianes

16.00-18.00. Identification of raptors and large birds of the Iberian Peninsula through their plumage with Pablo Fernández Pero

20.30-22.00. Star-gazing with José Pedro Madera Barbero

Saturday, February 24

16.00-18.30. Signs and tracks of birds with Luisa Abenza

16.30-18.00. Identification of European birds by their feathers with Pablo Fernández Pero

20.30-22.00. Star-gazing with José Pedro Madera Barbero

Sunday, February 25

10.00-11.30. Identification of bird sounds with José Carlos Sires

10.00-12.30. Signs and tracks of birds with Luisa Abenza

10.30-14.00. Painting birds with watercolour with José Antonio Sencianes


Saturday, February 24

11.00-12.00. ‘Cuaderno de montaña de las maravillas naturales de los Pirineos’ and ‘Rutas para observar aves en Aragón’ by Eduardo Viñuales, moderated by Javier Gómez Aoiz

12.00-13.00. ‘Delta, un final con futuro’ by Gabi Martínez, presented by José Luis Copete

13.00-14.00. ‘30 imágenes y más de 1000 palabras’ by Luis Alfonso Apausa and Nacho Sevilla, presented by Raúl Virosta

17.00-18.00. 'Central Park, four seasons for birdlife' by Héctor Cordero (Chapel)

Sunday, February 25

11.00-12.00. ‘Aves de Extremadura’ by Fernando Domínguez and Felipe Rodríguez


Friday, February 23

19.00. ‘Crickets, Cranes, Hoopoes, Rooks and Jays. The Voices of the countryside' by Carlos de Hita

Saturday, February 24

10.00-11.00. Walking through the concerts of Iberian nature with José Carlos Sires

18.30. 'A naturalist listening, in memory of Jesús Garzón' by Carlos de Hita

19.30. ‘Crickets, Cranes, Hoopoes, Rooks and Jays. The Voices of the countryside' by Carlos de Hita

Sunday, February 25

12.00-13.00. 'Listen and tell' with Carlos de Hita, presented by Antonio Sandoval

13.00-14.00. 'The sound of nature, a reflection of biodiversity' with Eloïsa Matheu, presented by Carlos de Hita


‘Cuaderno de montaña de las maravillas naturales de los Pirineos’ and ‘Rutas para observar aves en Aragón’ by Eduardo Viñuales, moderated by Javier Gómez

cdehita parábola pinar

‘Crickets, Cranes, Hoopoes, Rooks and Jays. The Voices of the countryside’ by Carlos de Hita

cdehita parábola pinar

‘Crickets, Cranes, Hoopoes, Rooks and Jays. The Voices of the countryside’ by Carlos de Hita


‘30 imágenes y más de 1000 palabras’ by Luis Alfonso Apausa and Nacho Sevilla, presented by Raúl Virosta

luisa abenza (taller huellas)

Identification of bird sounds with José Carlos Sires

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